The Future of Warehouse Flooring: Laser-Leveled Floors by Durafloor vs. Traditional Methods

The world may not be flat but concrete floors are becoming flatter, to the point of becoming “super flat.” The measurement of super flat is based on statistical techniques. Two Parameters, namely FLATNESS and LEVELNESS a re used in common to define the degree of SUPER FLAT FLOORS.Flatness is how close to geometric planarity a slab approaches. The profile of a slab consists of concrete waves.
These waves have amplitudes and wavelengths. FF is a statistical measure of the roughness of a slab’s surface caused by the presence of waves. Levelness is the amount of slope (or pitch or tilt) in a slab. This is the degree to which the surface of the slab approaches true horizontal perfection

Fig 1: Measurement of Property II

Fig 2: Measurement of Property IV
The measurement of Flatness and Levelness are done using two standards worldwide.
TR34: Surface Regularity
The TR34 specification is the most comprehensive method of specifying the surface regularity of free movement floors. It controls the short wavelength, Property II shown in Figure 1; the long wavelength, Property IV shown in Figure 2; and datum. The specification clearly defines how the floor should be sampled and analysed.
Property II
Property II of TR34 is the measurement of the change in slope of the floor over two successive 300mm distances (sometimes described as the 600mm curvature). It is a measure of the flatness or ‘bumpiness’ of the floor.
B) ASTM E1155 – “Standard Test Method for Determining FF Floor Flatness and FL Floor Levelness Numbers” It addresses a quantitative method of measuring floor surface profiles to obtain estimates of the floor’s characteristic FF Floor Flatness and FL Floor Levelness Profile Numbers (F-Numbers). These F-Numbers use dimensionless symbols to designate both flatness and levelness and are designated as; FF Floor Flatness – variation from surface plane (bumpiness) FL Floor Levelness – variation from horizontal plane (pitch) In General FLAT FLOOR CLASSIFICATION CAN BE DONE AS Flat Floor Classification