The Future of Warehouse Flooring: Laser-Leveled Floors by Durafloor vs. Traditional Methods
With economic expansion and industrialization, the demand for industries has increased, particularly for expedited projects. As a result, the significance of flooring (particularly concrete flooring) in the operation of industries is becoming apparent.
In modern production, storage, and distribution facilities, the selection and implementation of the most suited surface regularity standard has never been more crucial. As the demand for faster and more efficient warehouse technology rises and vehicle innovations continue, surface regularity requirements provide warehouse operators with greater peace of mind.
As the majority of production/operations/movements occur on the shopfloor, the shopfloor’s performance is crucial and a crucial aspect of industrial operations. This paper discusses The Revolution in Concrete Floors in terms of attaining superior finishing with accuracy and flatness for Free Movement (Level FM3, FM2, FM1) without the use of a topping or levelling course. This paper explains the significance of planning and execution in the creation of such an effective design.
- A variety of joints, including Free Movement Joints, Restricted Movement Joints, Tied Joints, and Isolation Joints.
- Selection of a mixed-design, depending on the load/sqm of the floor, with reinforcement taking thermal movement into account and selection of shrinkage admixture to prevent any dry shrinkage.
- Selecting the appropriate type of floor hardener to improve abrasion resistance and slip resistance.
- Selection of Construction and Contraction Joints depends on the floor arrangement and concrete placement order.
- Selection of Armor Joints depends on the sequence of concreting.
- Adaptation of Methodology for Concreting, including level check, floor protection, and airtightness of the area during concrete placement.
- Adaptation of the proper equipment for concrete work, including Laser Screed, Truss Based Screed vibrator, and VDF.
- Post-concrete floor protection and adequate curing.
- A survey of the floor to determine its levelness and flatness.
Industrial flooring play a crucial part in operation, as all processes are conducted on the floor. Amongst other factors, the strength and durability are crucial. In terms of MHE, flatness and levelness are also essential factors (Material Handling Equipment). To do them, a detailed specification must be generated and implemented. These demand attention from the design stage to the post-concreting stage, and this paper discusses a variety of techniques and metrics.
Importance of Flatness and Levelness
The significance of levelness and flatness
It is usual to find over-specified floors that do not meet the client’s precise performance criteria, which necessitates additional time, resources, and money to complete.
Depending on the type of movement that Material Handling Equipment (MHE) is capable of, surface regularity standards are separated into two major groups.
Free Movement (FM) requirements correspond to mobile heavy equipment (MHE) that may move in any direction and along unspecified paths within the facility.
Specifications for Defined Movement (DM) apply to MHE that may operate within a defined path, area, and direction within the facility. These establishments utilise a Very Narrow Aisle (VNA) system.