
Shrinkage Compensating Additive

Anti cracking mechanism

How it works ?

Shrinkage-compensating agent is made with an expansive component system in which initial expansion, if properly restrained, offsets strains caused by drying shrinkage. Shrinkage-compensating concrete is used to minimize cracks and restrains the drying shrinkage in concrete.

This agent creates expansion, which results in compressive forces in the concrete that slightly more than offset the tensile stresses. The most obvious benefit of shrinkage- compensating concrete is the possibility of larger pours while minimizing drying- shrinkage cracking.

Durashrink (Shrinkage-compensating agent) is made with an expansive component where the initial expansion, if properly prevented, removes the barriers caused by drying shrinkage. Durashrink is used to reduce cracks and prevents drying shrinkage of the concrete.

This agent creates an expansion, resulting in a compressive forces in the concrete that’s slightly more than offset the tensile stresses. The most obvious benefit of Durashrink is the possibility of larger pours while minimizing drying- shrinkage cracking. Durashrink conforms to the ASTM C494 / C494M – 19 and ACI 223-98.

Key Features


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At Durafloor, we have an expert team with over a decade of experience in the concrete industry and successful projects and applications and are always ready to help you with your requirements.

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Durafloor | FM2 Flooring

With over 15+ years of experience in helping our clients and our fellow contractors in laying "Durafloor - Duraflex Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Floors", Durafloor Concrete Solutions LLP is a turnkey solution providing vertical of Kasturi Group, with a vision to provide our clients integrated end-to-end concrete flooring solutions.


  •  Mumbai Head Office: Akshar Business Park, S Wing, First Floor, Office No. S-1063A, Janta Market Road, Sector-25, Vashi, Navi Mumbai-400703, India.
  • Rahil Chougle +91 7506509604
  •  Chennai Contact Person:
  • Arun Mani +91 8056099777
  • Email: sales@durafloor.in
    Email: akash@durafloor.in
© Durafloor Concrete Solutions LLP, MUMBAI, INDIA.

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